Kalakrishti is value based cultural organization dedicated to the preservation of traditional values in music, dance, drama. Our organization play the role of touch bearers in sangeet (vocal, percussion and dance). Kalakrishti believes in children’s development and helps children to stay flexible, reduce stress, gain confidence and enables them to feel the positive benefits of being healthy and active. Under the guidance of our expertise they are learning social skills such as cooperation and peer interaction as well as building self-esteem when they are involved in dance experience. They express their emotion, engage their all sense which increases their concentration and co-ordination through dance. Students who can perform complex rhythm’s can also make faster and more precise correction in many academic and physical situation so we can band together to serve art and humanity.
To instil passion for performing arts that values the Indian Culture
Dancing with the feet is one thing but dancing with the heart is another.
Here at Kalakrishti we help students to find the song in their heart, the beat in their feet ans a passion for life.
Our mission is to bring talent infront of the world who’ll showcase our culture and our tradition in front of the globe, who believe and make others believe that dance is a conversation between body and soul.
Kalakrishti makes people young throughout their lives. This academy belives in originality and authenticity of different types of art forms
We work on various music forms as we belive that music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent. It gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. Through this academy we want to spread the message that when words fail, its only music that speaks